What Are The Things To Check About Last Rites Service


The last rites, as the name suggests is a set of traditions and rituals associated with death. It would be pertinent to mention here that Hinduism has its own concept known as sanskara. Under this umbrella head, there are various activities such as naming ceremony, ear piercing ceremony and upanayana sanskar among others which are performed at different times. Thus, the last rites are also a set of activities which aim at accompanying one's journey from this world to the afterlife.Now that you have an idea about the concept of last rites, it is important to check whether your Hindu family or friend has carried out these rituals or not. There would be no need for panic as we would like to bring to your notice 5 things to check about last rites service.

1. Is he or she associated with a particular Hindu organization?

The last rites service provider needs to be associated with a Hindu organization as they have the required understanding and experience in their field. The scriptures related to Hinduism are vast and there is no way an individual can gain expertise on all of them. Also, at present there are many priests who conduct last rites but lack the required knowledge and understanding. Therefore, it is important to make a thorough research before settling for a particular service provider.

2. What is their status?

This point is especially significant if you are looking for Last rites service in Mumbai as there are many professional bodies which provide these services. A person who is associated with a service providing organization should have highly knowledgeable and well-experienced members. It is not advisable to award the responsibility of your loved one’s last rites to someone who lack this experience as it would be unfair for their soul.

3. What are their charges?

It is important to check the charges levied by the Last rites service provider as the charges vary from one service provider to another. There can be a huge difference in their charges especially if you are looking for professional cremation services . It is advisable to go through the packages offered by different providers so that you can choose an appropriate package as per your budget.

4. What kind of service does he/she provide?

The Hindu rituals related to last rites vary considerably. There are a wide range of activities which need to be performed from the time of death till the last rites. The service provider should have detailed knowledge about each and every activity associated with this ritual so that no mistake can occur during the entire process. If you find any negligence in their service, you can lodge a complaint in the concerned authorities.

5. What is their reputation and how long have they been in this field?

Last rites service provider should be someone who has an excellent reputation and they need to serve in this profession for years now. Their reputation is the best indicator of whether you would like to hire them or not. It is advisable to go through the reviews related to them so that you can get an idea about their quality of service.

After checking all these points, it would become easier for you to choose a reliable Last rites service in Mumbai. They should know the right path and ensure that your loved ones are able to attain moksha or liberation with their service. Once you have chosen a proper service provider, it is important to discuss your requirements so that they can provide the right  service according to the demands of  your family.


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