
Showing posts from July, 2021

In Antim Sanskar, How Are Rituals Performed?

Hinduism is the world's third-biggest religion, with about a billion adherents worldwide. It teaches that God is present in all beings and objects and that the goal of life is to recognize this divine nature. The Hindu faith started in India, but there are now several varieties across the world, each with its own set of rituals and beliefs. Hindu beliefs about Death The Hindu faith is based on the concept of reincarnation, which holds that when a person dies, their soul is reincarnated in a new form  Antim Sanskar Services in Mumbai . They believe that even when their physical bodies die, their souls go on and recycle until they find their real essence. This can take several lives, and they seek to become closer to Brahma, the Hindu God, with each death. Furthermore, they believe that their soul's next incarnation will be determined by their previous life's acts, a concept known as Karma. Hindus believe that the physical body has no purpose after death and so does not n